Sterilisation stories

Today is International Spay Day. We would like to share with you one of our sterilisation stories. It is very typical for Russia and we think it explains very well why our work must go on.

There is a pack of stray dogs living on an abandoned industrial estate in Moscow region. They are fed by an old lady. Recently a group of volunteers started helping her. But the money is really tight. The dogs keep breeding and the pups usually die. The volunteers asked us to help them with getting the dogs sterilised. At the time there were 3 females – one had just given birth and the other two were about to get pregnant.

We paid for sterilising all 3 dogs. One of them, Anjechka (pictured), was adopted whilst she was recouperating from her op at the vet clinic. A lady who brought her own dog for a check up saw Anja and fell in love with her.

While catching and arranging for the dogs to be sterilised, the volunteers found an abandoned sweet little cat who had an ear infection! They could not just leave her there…

The cost of sterilising all three dogs (including their stay at the clinic) was £176 (=$246) . We initially budgeted £189 (=$265) for that so we spent the change on paying for the treatment of the cat (pictured). The cat got quickly rehomed and the new owners were able to pay for her sterilisation themselves.

So a happy ending!

Thank you for helping us help them. Please continue to support us so that we can carry on with our important work.