1. What is your full name and age? * 2. What is your address? *5. What are your contact details ? Phone* Email* 6. What type of property do you live in (ie house or flat). If it is a flat, is it on the ground floor? * 7. Do you have a garden? * 8. Is your garden secure? What is the height of your garden fence? * 9. Is your property rented or owned? If rented, do you have the landlord's permission to have a dog/cat in the property? * 10. What is your occupation? * 11. How much time do you spend at home and how much time do you have to look after a foster dog? * 12. Do you have any experience of looking after a dog/cat (as appropriate)? Please explain. * 13. Do you have a car? * 14. How did you hear about us? * 15. Please use the space below to provide any further relevant information you would like to share with us. *SubmitReset