About the pet you are interested in 1. What is the name of the dog you are interested in ?* 2. Why are you interested in this dog ?*About you (adopter/s) 1. Name and age of adopter(s) and those of all other human residents in your household* 2. Your address* 3. Home and Mobile Tel numbers* 4. Email address* 5. How did you learn about the dog/our organisation ?* 6. What is your occupation (and that of other adults in the household) ?* 7. What are your hobbies and pastimes ?* 8. Do you currently have a pet/pets? If yes, please describe each pet (what species it is, age, gender, size (if a dog), temperament (eg. friendly, nervous, boisterous, etc). Are you current pets neutered ?* 9. Have you owned a pet before? If yes, please tell us more about it (Was it a rescue a pet or not? What was the breed? Was it neutered? What became of it? Any other relevant information?) If not, but you have had some experience in looking after a pet, please provide details. * 10. If you have not owned a dog before, do you require help with information about any aspect of owning a det? If yes, please specify* 11. When are you ready to adopt a dog ? *01020304050607080910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031day / JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecembermonth / 202520242023202220212020year 12. Do you have transport to collect/return the dog ? *YesNoAbout your household 1. What are the working hours of the adults in the household? How long will the dog be left alone on a daily basis ?* 2. Where will the dog be left whilst you are out ?* 3. Are you happy and able to use a crate if the dog is used to it and if it is necessary initially (eg. young puppy training/nervous dog for security/initial adaptation period) ?* 4. Who will care for the dog when you go on holiday? Do you have any holidays booked in the near future ?* 5. How would you describe your lifestyle (eg. active, mostly spent at home, busy household etc) ?* 6. What are your expectations for how a dog would fit into your life (eg go on school runs with you, go on holiday with you etc) ?* 7. Any additional information about yourselves which you think might be relevant. Please use this space to tell us more about any past/present dogs you have had/have and why you would like to adopt one of our pets. *About your home 1. Please describe the type of property you have (Is it a house or a flat? If a house, is it detached, terraced or semi-detached? If a flat, what floor is it on ?)* 2. Do you own your property or is it rented? If rented, what is the outstanding length of the lease agreement and do you have your landlord's consent to have a pet ?* 3. Do you have a garden? If yes, what is its approximate size? Is the garden securely fenced? Please provide the height of the fence. If you have a hedge fence, pls say. * 4. Please describe the area where you live (eg. a residential busy or quiet street in a town, on a no drive-through road, rural, semi-rural) *Additional questions 1. Are you happy to make a suggested adoption donation of £400 to help us continue with our Rehoming Programme ? *YesNo 2. Do you have sufficient financial means to look after a dog (food, vet care/vet insurance, essentials (bed, toys, bowls, accessories, etc)) ? *YesNoSubmitReset